Having a great short-term memory comes in useful in so many ways in our everyday lives, whether it is at work or at home. Luckily, short-term memory can be improved!
Read the small lifestyle changes you can make to gain a better short-term memory.
Of course, there are lots of benefits to increasing the amount of exercise you do, but did you know improving your memory is one of them? Exercise increases blood flow to your brain which in turn increases its short-term memory capacity.
You don’t need to take up an extreme sport to get more exercise. Even walking for an hour a day can make a huge difference to your health.
Stay mentally active
One way of improving your short-term memory is challenging your mind. Staying mentally active builds your cognitive ability and so increases memory.
Build completing a puzzle such as a crossword or sudoku into your everyday routine, or try learning a new instrument. Even changing the route of your daily commute keeps your mind active!
Bad mental health, such as having depression or being stressed, negatively impact your short-term memory. Although these can be difficult conditions to get rid of, small changes can improve your wellbeing and resultantly improve your memory. Try socialising with friends or taking long walks when you can to keep your mind active and to add variation to your day.
Get organised
With online calendars and smartphone reminders, we don’t need to rely entirely on our memories to know everything we should be doing at all times.
One way to improve your memory is actually to make the most of these life-planners. When you are super organised, you will get into good routines and habits. Having good everyday habits makes you feel productive, contributing to better wellbeing overall.
Another way to help your wellbeing is building meditation exercises into your day. Meditation has been shown to increase the amount of your brain’s grey matter, a substance that shrinks with age.
Grey matter contains neuron cell bodies, meaning the more of it you have, the better your cognition and the better your cognition, the better your memory.
Get lots of sleep
When you sleep, your brain consolidates the previous day’s memories. This means that the more sleep you get, the more you will remember!
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