Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides a right of access to information held by public authorities and sets out exemptions to that right of access. Any person or body who makes a request in writing to a public authority for access to recorded information must be informed whether the public authority holds that information and be supplied with it, subject to the application of various exemptions specified within the Act. The public authority must normally respond within 20 working days of the receipt of the request.
The College proactively publishes a wide range of information, the majority of which is available on its website. Information is published in accordance with the College’s publication scheme and covers the governance and operation of the College.
If the information is not already available on the website it will facilitate the response process if requests could be submitted on the Request for Information Application below and sent to the College at
Request Application
Requests for personal data
The Data Protection Act 1998 governs the processing of personal data (information relating to living individuals). This legislation makes it possible for you to request access to personal data that the College may hold about you. A request for disclosure of such information is called a subject access request. Any such requests should be addressed to the Data Protection Administrator, at the same address as above.
Should you wish to know more about your rights under the Data Protection Act 1998 you should consult the Office of the Information Commissioner.
Limits of Disclosure
The College will disclose information wherever possible. However, in certain limited circumstances, it will be necessary to employ one of the exemptions to the general requirement to release information. In any case where information is refused, the College will specify which exemption is being claimed and why. All requests for information will be carefully considered on their own merits and with close regard to the public interest.
Anyone not satisfied with the response to their request may seek review by writing to:
stating when and to whom the original request was made.
The target for a substantive response to a complaint is twenty working days. Complainants will be kept informed if any delays appear likely.
If, after the investigation of your complaint, you are still dissatisfied you may refer your complaint to the Information Commissioner.
Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
The fees chargeable under the Fees Regulations will be operated according to those regulations. Given the limits set out in those regulations it is expected that many requests for information will be met without charge; however a charge may be made for costs of photocopying, tapes, disks or computer runs.