5th October marks World Teachers’ Day all around the world.
World Teachers’ Day is celebrated every year on the anniversary of the adoption of the Recommendation Concerning the Status of Teachers in 1966. Implemented by the International Labour Organization and UNESCO, this set out teachers’ rights and responsibilities, as well as standards for education, recruitment, employment and teaching and learning conditions.
Since the first World Teachers’ Day in 1994, people everywhere have turned their thoughts to the teachers they admire and have shown their appreciation of the dedication of education professionals each year on this date.
This year, the theme of World Teachers’ Day is ‘Teachers at the heart of education recovery’. After their changed methods of teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic, the day will focus on the support teachers need to fully contribute to the recovery process.
UNESCO will showcase a five-day series of events highlighting the effect the crisis has had on the teaching profession, and will share effective and promising policy responses. The events are conducted with the aim of taking steps to ensure teaching professionals are reaching their full potential.
Who is a teacher in your life that you admire?
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